Its UP!!

And soo purdy.

This was my delicious Friday night. After my dad left (he was here with me all day, fixing things, and teaching me how to install dimmers, oh and installing my baby here.) I fluffed up my new Wandering Pods Pillow, poured a glass of crisp white wine, and slipped on my snugly, pink Christmas pajamas to watch my hubby vacuum. ahahhhahahahah

In real life, this room looks much less cluttered than it does in photos, for some reason. I love how high it is, and that it doesn't hang into the room, like a giant sleeping bat, or hovering octopus, like the last light fixture.

note: I bought mine from Practical Props, in Hollywood, it is the 36", satin brass with a standard 16" drop. I bought a new one, even though vintage ones abound, because I didn't want to have to deal with re-wiring, which can be expensive for such a complex fixture. I paid a lot for shipping, and I was not to happy with the condition of the box when it arrived. It was way flimsy, I am actually surprised it survived the journey. Customer service was meh.

That there is another new painting, by the way.



  1. ok...that room is stunning. the light is perfection.


  2. Okay, you don't know me from Eve so this will sound really strange...

    Can you let me know when you'll be out of the house for a couple of hours? I want to drag a man in that room and get it on while staring at that gorgeous light.

    I promise to put down sheets and not circulate the pictures.

  3. Thanks for the information. I'm seriously considering this light for my keeping room. It looks fabulous in your fabulous room. Would you order from them again knowing what you know now??? By the way, I have a great local source for rewiring and lighting fixes in general. They've fixed a few craigslist lighting purchases for me and I couldn't be happier with workmanship and pricing.

    The painting-amazing! Your house looks beautiful!

  4. Yay Woo! The light looks SO good. Love it. I wanna come hang out on your couches and sip wine.

  5. Neyla, So glad you like it, you have such great taste! I will email you the deets on the company that sold me the light.

  6. Looks great Michelle! Awesome job.

  7. I am in love with your beautiful artwork in the first photo. The light fixture is to die for and I want to order one myself. Your ceiling is absolutely positively gorgeous. And, I love the simplicity and creamy color of your drapes. In conclusion, I want your living room. Bravo dahling, bravo.

  8. i agree, that room is stunning!

  9. What a gorgeous & unique lamp!

  10. Love the light fixture! It's awesome :) I'm super jealous.

  11. Wow! so serene and so chic! love the color scheme of the room,the light really adds a clever beauty to the space, reflecting the fabulousness. This colour combination is so elegant! perfection!so inspiring!wonderful photos...xoxo Victoria

  12. I always love seeing photos of your home. It's just stunning.

  13. Hello gorgeous sputnik! It looks a-maz-ing in your living space. If it were up to me, I'd plop on the comfy couch and stare at the satellite :)

  14. All I can say is "Wow!" Your home is gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by to say hello! I am now following your blog. Btw, I love your artwork....I would love to have a piece in my own home - just need a little more room on my walls!


  15. Wow! You have a gorgeous home and I am officially obsessed with your art (and so glad you live in Atlanta!).
    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and please come back anytime. It's nice to connect with fellow Atlanta bloggers.

  16. i LOVE your home and those ceilings....amazing. So glad I found your blog. Thanks for commenting on mine!!

  17. That is a slammin' light fixture in a very lovely room! Nice.

  18. It all looks incredibly gorgeous.

  19. holy smokes, your living room is Gorgeous, with a capital G.

  20. I just ordered one of these light fixtures after finding your living room images on Pinterest! Such a beautiful space! I've been hunting for a really dramatic light fixture that doesn't hang too low in my foyer. This is it! Thanks for the inspiration and the source.


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